Documentary Synopsis Nestled in the Great Smoky Mountains of Western North Carolina is a tight-knit community of the remaining members of the Cherokee tribe, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. One of the tribes’ cultural traditions still practiced is the game of stickball. In the year 2000, nearly 100 women: mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins, and…
With Dolly Parton’s new 10-week bedtime-story series Goodnight with Dolly under way, the honorary UT alumna is doing her part to comfort kids all over the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s according to Associate Professor of Journalism and Electronic Media Nick Geidner, who produced and directed the documentary film The Library That Dolly Built.…
As the COVID-19 lockdown has millions staying at home, country music legend Dolly Parton will help kids get ready to sleep by reading them a children’s book online at bedtime. The series, Goodnight with Dolly, will air once a week beginning April 2. The project is a response to the delayed premiere of The Library…
The Library That Dolly Built, a University of Tennessee, Knoxville, student-driven film and documentary about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, will premiere April 2 in New York City and be screened in theaters across the nation. Associate Professor of Journalism and Electronic Media Nick Geidner is the director and producer of the film, which was crewed…
Three professors from the College of Communication and Information were recognized for their scholarship at the inaugural UT Office of Research and Engagement (ORE) Research Awards Luncheon on Monday, March 25. CCI Interim Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Chancellor’s Professor and BOV Professor Suzie Allard (SIS) received a Research Spotlight Award in recognition of being…