CCI advisors are on your side

Welcome to the College of Communication and Information. The college’s faculty and staff understand the important role academic advising plays in the quality of a student’s undergraduate experience.

Join CCI for virtual drop-in advising hours

CCI will be conducting virtual drop-in advising hours 9–11:30 am and 1:30–4 pm Aug. 19-26, 2024.  


What do advisors do?

Advisors help each student tailor an academic program to fit the student’s interests, goals, and abilities within the criteria set by the faculty leading toward completion of a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication, or a Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences, depending on the student’s major. Advisors serve as sources of information about university and college policies, procedures and appropriate campus resources. They help each student explore career related goals and seek practical experiences.

Resources and Information

A student leans over a table covered in pens and papers to fill out a form.

CCI Introductory Course – CCI 150

CCI 150 – Communication in an Information Age is an introductory course for College of Communication and Information majors and minors. Click below for more details.

Course Objectives

  • Develop a basic understanding of mediated and non-mediated communication.
  • Learn how communication and information industries are funded.
  • Understand the historical developments in key communication and information industries.
  • Gain awareness of the interactive relationships between communication and information systems and the social, political, legal, and economic forces surrounding them.
  • Identify ways in which digital technologies are transforming communication and information systems and processes.
  • Become a more enlightened consumer of mediated and non-mediated messages.
  • Gain an understanding of professional options open to those who earn majors and minors offered through the University of Tennessee College of Communication and Information.

Set up an advisor appointment

Follow these directions to set up an appointment

These appointments are for schedule issues, CPOS issues, change of major to another CCI major, or similar immediate concerns. 

  1. Log into your MyUTK account (
  2. Click the “Academic Support” link at the top of the page, then click the “Vol Academic Connect” (Navigate) link.
  3. Click the blue “Appointments” button in the upper right-hand corner.
  4. From the drop-box asking which office, select “Communication and Information Advising”.
  5. From the next drop-box titled “Service”, select the type of appointment you need:
    • Advising for COMM & INFO – Current CCI students 
    • “Change to” – Students outside of CCI who wish to declare that major 
  6. Choose a date that works best for you. If you are a CCI student, then it will default to your advisor’s available time. You should only schedule with your advisor. If you do not see availability on that day, please go back and try a few different days.
  7. Select the available time (Eastern time) that works for you and follow the instructions on the screen to finish scheduling the appointment. Note: It helps us better prepare for your appointment if you add what you need help with in the comments section.
  8. Watch your email for a confirmation email. This will give you additional information about advising office location or Zoom link.

CCI Office for Undergraduate Programs & Advising Staff

Our office is located on the fourth floor of the Communication & Information Building in Room 434. Please note that if you enter the building from Circle Park Drive, you are entering on the third level and must go upstairs to reach the fourth floor. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm Advisors may be contacted by e-mail or by calling 865-974-3603.

Julie Longmire

Julie Longmire

Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Advising

Whitney Mattson

Associate Director

Rochelle Nelson

Master Advisor

Hannah Currie

Academic Advisor I

Elsa Esquivel

Elsa Esquivel

Academic Advisor I

Byron Keys

Byron Keys

Academic Advisor I

Amy Looney

Amy Looney

Academic Advisor I

Holly Wood

Holly Wood

Academic Advisor I

Victoria Smith

Victoria Smith

Administrative Associate I