Mokhlisur (Numan) Rahman

[email protected]

Mokhlisur Rahman curriculum vitae

Rahman is from Bangladesh and is enthusiastic about green advertising. A second-year PhD student, he completed his undergraduate and master’s in public administration at Comilla University, Bangladesh. Before that, he also completed a diploma in travel agency and tourism with an internship in the field. He was a proud volunteer at many organizations, including the Bangladesh National Cadet Corps (BNCC), where he served three years for different events. He traveled to Nepal with a government invitation to represent his country in a Youth Exchange Program in 2016. He met the honorable president, prime minister, and the army chief of staff of Nepal during his visit.

In 2021, ge started his second master’s in communication at the University of South Dakota with a graduate teaching associate position. He earned several prestigious opportunities there, like presenting his research at conferences. Gus master’s thesis was on Facebook video ads and consumers’ motivations, an online survey with around 300 participants. After graduation, ge was accepted to the UT for the doctoral program with a concentration in advertising at the Tombras School of Advertising and Public Relations at the College of Communication and Information, with a graduate teaching associate position. 

He has been involved in many achievements, including presenting his research at the International Communication Association (ICA), a prestigious conference in his field; he presented at this conference in Gold Coast, Australia, this year, CSCA in 2021 and 2023, and the Global Food Security Conference in 2019 in France. He is also a senator, representing his college and school at the Graduate Student Senate (GSS). In 2014, he completed a certificate program at the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), researching methodology with fieldwork experience in data collection for large projects. In 2018, he received training from the British Council on the APTIS English proficiency test and learned how to teach English speaking and writing. He has also volunteered for several organizations in Bangladesh, like Prothom Alo BondhuShava.

Research Interests

  • Green Advertising
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Online Reviews
  • Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in Consumer Behavior

PhD Committee