Mark Willoughby is no stranger to Rocky Top. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Haslam College of Business and has been working full time for the college since 2007. He is currently the Director of Student Engagement for the Haslam College of Business. After contemplating a PhD for several years, he enrolled…
After being inspired by his wife simultaneously working and earning her Master’s degree, Scott Sikes looked to Rocky Top for his return to higher education. He earned his Master’s degree in Information Sciences in 2018 and recently completed his PhD with a concentration in Information Sciences in 2021. He successfully defended his dissertation, “In Our…
The College of Communications and Information offers students the opportunity to receive a PhD with the five separate concentrations, which include advertising, journalism and electronic media, public relations, information sciences, and communications studies. Students are ensured a well-rounded education, as they must complete a core curriculum before progressing on to their chosen concentration. The PhD…
Journalism PhD student Charli Kerns has fought her way through whitewater rapids and cascaded over waterfalls in her canoe. Knowing that adrenaline rush, she doesn’t get too stressed out over research, writing, or teaching a class. Kerns been an action sports enthusiast since being introduced to kayaking through UT’s Outdoor Pursuits during her undergraduate days…