Mark Willoughby is no stranger to Rocky Top. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Haslam College of Business and has been working full time for the college since 2007. He is currently the Director of Student Engagement for the Haslam College of Business. After contemplating a PhD for several years, he enrolled…
Raven Bailey (CS ’19) participated in the Communicating Across Cultures in Dublin program led by Associate Professor Laura Miller and Director John Haas during the summer of 2019. She is currently a master’s student in CCI. Learn more about CCI’s Communicating Across Cultures in Dublin summer program. Did you face any challenges in your decision to…
A native of Midland, Michigan, Diane Carr completed her master’s degree in Communication & Information this summer with an emphasis in communication studies. She received her bachelor’s degree in human resources at Michigan State University and later joined the Peace Corps. She began working at UT’s College of Nursing as a research information specialist in 2016,…
Working in the medical field can be stressful even in the best of times, but the COVID-19 pandemic has many medical professionals feeling overwhelmed. To counteract this, professors Joan Rentsch of the College of Communication and Information and David Patterson of the College of Social Work are leading weekly sessions in mindfulness-based stress reduction with…
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, students received a big surprise today when Peyton Manning dropped in on John Haas’ Communication Studies Senior Capstone class. [su_youtube url=””] “I realize this a unique time and probably not the ideal way you guys expected to spend your senior year,” Manning said. “I just encourage you to keep a positive…
This January, students from the School of Advertising and Public Relations and School and Journalism and Electronic Media traveled to New York City to get an insider’s view of the industry. In February, the Communications Studies club ventured to D.C. to learn more about professional opportunities with a Communication Studies degree. They were hosted by…