Tombras School of Advertising and Public Relations professor Eric Haley, along with colleagues Tyler Milfeld and Dan Flint from the UT Marketing Department, took home the Best Article 2021 Award for the Journal of Advertising, the field’s leading journal. Additionally, Eric Haley, along with colleagues from the University of Illinois, was awarded Best Article 2021 for Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising and Best Article 2021 for Journal of Interactive Advertising. Haley also received the Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising’s Best Article Award in 2020.
Articles lead by Tombras School faculty members Courtney Childers, along with Ph.D. graduate Brandon Boatright, and Matthew Pittman tied for Best Article 2021 Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising runner-up. The article receiving the runner-up nod for the Journal of Interactive Advertising was authored by Ph.D. graduate, Nate Evans, who is currently an associate professor at the University of Georgia.
“Sometimes the stars align and you’re lucky enough to work with great colleagues, which is reward enough. The best article awards are icing on the cake,” said Haley. “The Tombras School swept all three AAA journal Best Article 2021 awards. These efforts were part of productive cross disciplinary and cross institution collaborations with other leading forces in advertising scholarship. Relationships and honors such as these further demonstrate the Tombras School’s reputation as a leader in advertising scholarship.”
The Tombras School was recently cited as among the top 5 programs in the US for visibility in leading advertising scholarly journals and among the top 10 in the world, according to research published by the Journal of Business Research.
At the AAA conference, incoming Tombras School faculty member Minjie Lee received a Research Fellowship grant from the AAA, as did Ph.D. graduate Huan Chen who is currently an associate professor at the University of Florida. Two Tombras School Ph.D. students, Alex Carter and Kibum Yoon, received AAA conference scholarships via a competitive review process.
The American Academy of Advertising is the world’s leading international organization for the advancement of research and education in Advertising and Marketing Communication. The Tombras School advertising program has long been a leading force in the Academy. Emeritus faculty members Ron Taylor and Sally McMillian have won prestigious career awards from the AAA, The Sandage Award for Teaching Excellence, and the Ivan Preston Award for Outstanding Contributions to Research, respectively. Faculty members have received numerous AAA research fellowship grants and multiple program doctoral students have received dissertation funding through the Academy’s competitive research awards processes. Tombras School faculty members have served as president, vice president, secretary and international conference chairs of the organization in the past, with current professor Eric Haley just finishing his three-year leadership term as the organization’s President. The AAA current executive director, Debbie Treise, is a CCI Ph.D. graduate and current professor at the University of Florida.