Students Earn Eight Tennessee AP Awards

Students in the School of Journalism and Electronic Media and members of UT student media earned eight awards from the Tennessee Associated Press Broadcasters and Media Editors’ 2019 college contest, which were announced in April.

Tennessee students earned three first place honors for their work in investigative features, television reporting, and graphic design.

Journalism and electronic media major Ainsley Kelso took first place in Online Investigative/In-Depth Reporting for her story, “Rising Temperatures Cause Longer Mosquito Season and Greater Risk of Viruses.” She researched and wrote the story as part of Senior Lecturer Melanie Faizer’s digital news reporting class, which focused on extreme weather issues during the fall 2019 semester.

UT students in advanced reporting across the media also placed first in TV Specialized/Topic Reporting for their work on “Call In Not Out – Bias Incidents at the University of Tennessee.”

Graphic design major Elisa Razak, who graduated in 2019, earned first place in the News Graphic/Illustration category for her work with The Daily Beacon. She also placed third in Online Graphics Design for “SGA Elections.”

Click here for a list of all the Tennessee AP awards.

2019 Tennessee Associated Press Broadcasters and Media Editors Contest

Online Graphics Design
Third Place
Elisa Razak, The Daily Beacon
“SGA Elections”

News Graphic/Illustration
First Place
Elisa Razak, The Daily Beacon
“Spring 2019”

College Media Website
Second Place
The Daily Beacon

Feature Story
Third Place
Christy White
“ORHS Takes to Social Media to Cast the Dog in ‘Annie,’ Which Opens Tonight”

Online Specialized/Topic Reporting
Second Place
Jordan Bush, Seth Chapman, Tina Shanklin
“Water Pollution in East Tennessee: An Overview of What’s in Knoxville’s Water”

TV Specialized/Topic Reporting
First Place
University of Tennessee
“Call In Not Out – Bias Incidents at the University of Tennessee”

Online Investigative/In-Depth Reporting
First Place
Ainsley Kelso
“Rising Temperatures Cause Longer Mosquito Season and Greater Risk of Viruses”

Sports Reporting
Second Place
Blake Von Hagen
“Tennessee Basketball Bonded by Faith as Chapter Ends”